Suummer Print Competition
1st July
Open Mono and Colour, Themed section “Times gone by”
Colour section Results

First Place
Sitting Pretty
by Amanda Graham

Second Place
Aquatic Ripples
by Oksana Khomytska

Third Place
by Penny Simpson

Highly Commended
by Robert Watts

Highly Commended
Im so tallonted
by Peter Wrighton

Burrowing owl
by Robin Elms

Harris hawk landing
by Chris Wiltshire
Colour section all entrants
Click a photo to open gallery
Monochrome section

First Place
Baker Street – Waiting for the train
By Lee Butler

Second Place
The Pope at Prayer
By Penny Simpson

Third Place
Rutheven Barracks
By Robin Elms

Highly Commended
The old pier
by Robert Watts

Highly Commended
I spy lunch
by Peter Wrighton

Woodland of Dreams
by Ray Shard

On the stage
by Chris Wiltshire
Monochrome Section All entrants
Themed section
“Times gone by“

First Place
By Robin Elms

Second Place
Winter Steam
By Amanda Graham

Third Place
Eighty Years
By Martyn Blair

Highly Commended
Remembering ‘Cod Liver Oil’
By Penny Simpson

Highly Commended
By Robert Watts

Solitude In An Old Town Alley
By Oksana Khomytska

Locked out
By Ray Shard

By Julie Wheatcroft
Themed section “Times gone by“
All Entrants
Judges Comments
1st July 2024- Judge Louise Hill
Open Mono
Abandoned in the Woods
Lustre paper- good but needs a bit of life in the image. Conversion to mono has been handled well, but there is a slight green tint, could be a colour profile problem. Needs more detail in the shadows. Texture on the wall and foreground is good. Textured paper would help. Mounted close to the top, a white key line would give more space and help bring the viewer into the image. Mount colour- needs to aid the tonal range, a black mount would help it stand out better.
The Pope at Prayer
True black and white image. Good depth. Really nice portrait, gorgeous rim lighting. Breaks the rule of thirds, but does it well. Elbow placement at bottom of frame is good. Background well handled. Use of black mount with white cord helps the image stand out. Second.
Woodland Dreams
Slight abstract shot, quite artistic. Uprights make the image stronger. Slightly burnt out at the top of the frame. Paper type could be used to improve the image- use a white textured paper to give a bit more softness. Would lift the texture in the bark. Commended.
In Need of Repair
Good conversion to black and white. Subject works well. Good use of rule of thirds, with the castle footings leading you in to the shot. Good tonal contrast, sky handled well. Some more texture in the stone work would help. Held.
On the stage
Really nice piece of studio work. Great pose and staging. Lighting well controlled. Tight crop on the right but still gives plenty of room and balance. Bit more light required to lift her eye. Great depth and tonal range. Possibly print wasn’t fully dry, as there are slight marks. Consider dark room papers. Commended.
Baker Street- waiting for the train
Very popular location, lighting very well controlled. Great blacks, so well converted. Great detail in the shadows. Strong black and white image, wouldn’t be anywhere near as effective in colour. First.
I spy lunch
Unusual to see black and white nature shots. Very well done. Black and white gives a different feeling. Hard to get depth of field right, well done here. Make sure to pay attention to detail, some highlights in the trees at the top that could be cloned out. Slight evidence of poorly done cloning in the grass at the bottom, could be fixed by cropping. Highly commended.
Next step
Nice conversion, muted tones. Black mount works well. Good use of light and lines. Well framed. Burnt out highlights in the top of the image, lost detail in the area of the sign in the ceiling. Before printing, convert Lightoom background (tab+ff) to black which helps you see problems within the image.
Harry pulling a Tram along the Prom
Good warmth in the image. Position of tram works well, with the tramlines leading you in. Slightly too close a crop at the top, touches the top of the tram. Some cloning has been done along the top, which leaves too heavy a line. Bit too bright on the cars, tone down to match the rest of the image.
Rutheven Barracks
Print works much better than the PDI. Leading line of the road works well, light on the fence helps draw the eye too. Light on the castle is excellent, and drama in the sky works well. Consider the mount colour, could be better on a black mount. Some lost detail in the forest area, but doesn’t matter. Third.
The Melancholy Colombian
Nice core black mount. Nice portrait, pose with the hand is good. Quite dark in the print with some detail lost. Needs to be a little bit sharper, slightly too soft for a studio portrait, especially around the eyes.
The old Pier
Printed at a lab, but when it’s going on a lightbox, needs a back board so you can’t see through the print. Lovely long exposure. Gulls on the posts are good, and help lead you through the shot. Could be cropped to a letterbox taking off the bottom, might improve it. White key line disappears in to the white mount. Highly commended.
Steam Fair
Nicely taken image. Good conversion to black and white. Lovely subject matter. Interesting paper. Diagonal line is good. Good tonal range in the body of the image, but the sky area is a bit too bright, bleeds out. Human element adds to the story, could be stronger by a puff of steam out of the chimney.
Opposites attract
Love the size of the image in the frame. Crop has been handled well, to the left of the pillar. Good depth. Good street documentary, great interest and good buildings. Slightly soft on the gentleman in the image, though the woman is sharp, both need to be sharp for it to work. An offset aperture for the image in the mount would work better, would work well with the steps.
Open Colour
Taransay at Dusk
Colour difference between DPI and print, print is much better. Could be a problem with colour profile when printing or monitor calibration. Gorgeous muted colours, but lost some detail in the foreground shadows. Means there’s nothing to draw you in to the image. Printed on lustre paper, but with softness in the image would benefit from an art paper.
A Walk in the woods
Lovely detail, well caught. Hard to get the bluebell colour correct, which has been well done here. How to crop your image- think about the edges, slightly more space needed on the right hand side, to give more depth. Gorgeous textures. Black mount works well, gives relief with the white key line.
Full flight
Composition works really well, subject works nicely in the frame. Good depth of field. Slightly soft on the bird, needs to be sharper. Tethers need cloning out, this can be adjusted in an open competition, but not if entered in a nature category. Slightly faster shutter speed (at least 1/2000th) to capture the movement. Mounting is done well, with the added effect of the 3D, possibly a bit too hard in this instance, a single white line being more suitable.
Keeping an eye
Lovely sharpness on the bird, great muted colours on the background. Colours are fantastic. The eye has to be tack sharp, and this has been well thought through. Held.
Print lends warmth compared to the PDI. Black mount with white key line works really well. Lighting is well handled, pose is excellent. Slight imperfection on her foot, tiny bit of cloning would have got rid of this. Putting it slightly off centre works well. Third.
Siting on the fence
Lovely subject to photograph. Really nicely caught, as can be quite shy. Lead in of the fence is good. Too tight a crop on the bottom of the frame, no space for the squirrel to move in to. Nicely printed, good size in the frame. Sharpness is missing slightly on the eyes.
Guitar man
Good subject, well themed. Good bit of storytelling. Needs a bit more blending of the two images. Eyes need to be sharper in an image that is a portrait. Could reduce the size of the image in the frame, as this could disguise the softness.
Sitting Pretty
Needs a stronger key line on the PDI. The dogs’ paws are a bit over-saturated, tone them down a bit. Great depth and colour control in the image, with good quality printing. Would benefit from slightly more space on the right. First.
Harris hawk landing
Nicely caught image, good flight shot with a good fast shutter speed. Great detail captured on the head where it is most needed. Good depth of field, with good amount of space around the bird. Commended.
Burrowing owl
Nicely taken shot, good depth of field. Slightly too tight a crop on the right. The light on the tree is slightly too bright, especially compared to the higher contrast on the owl. Commended.
I’m so tallonted
Another great capture. Lovely detail in the head and feathers. Crop the bottom to remove the barbed wire. Highly commended.
Sunshine and showers
Gorgeous lighting control. Very dramatic. Good detail in the trees. Printed on a lustre paper, could be improved by using a paper with more depth. Held.
Young robin
Good positioning in the frame. Well captured. Slightly over saturated which has given a green colour cast. Needs to be a little sharper to give more feather detail when printed large- alternative would be to print smaller.
Aquatic ripples
Printed on an art paper. Lovely lighting control. Very striking image, quite simple. There is a slight gloss on the paper, which helps to take you in to the image. Well sized. Second.
Image needs a back board for more strength and to hide print details. Still life is very hard to do well, this is lovely, with good delicate, subdued work. There are small areas of blown highlights on the top of some of the flowers. Gorgeous texture detail in the flowers where the highlights have been well managed. A textured paper would help lift this further. This image could be strengthened by a white border with a pink keyline. Highly commended
Colour or Mono Themed Times Gone By
Solitude in an old town alley
Good composition. Printed on a metallic paper which helps lift the black and white element. Good leading line with person mid-way through the frame and buildings in the distance. Clone some of the marks on the building on the left. Commended.
Two horse power
Lovely subject, great timing of the image. Good size in the frame. Nice to have smiling subjects. Movement in feet is good. Could try it in black and white, which would help remove distraction of background buildings which are not in keeping with the theme, tight crop on the right, and bit more space on the left to give more space for it to move in to.
Times gone by but still enjoying the style
Good black and white conversion. Good street shot, though it has been posed. Slightly too bright in the centre of the shot. Good tones in the subject and background. Held.
Remembering Cod Liver Oil
Not great title- better with something like The Fisherman. Great conversion, worked very well. Good lighting and balance, great catch lights. Needs a bit more detail in the shadows on the left. PDI still has more of the detail. Great character. Highly Commended.
Nicely caught and well framed. Gorgeous details within the carousel, well lit. Would benefit from a textured paper to help fit the theme. Colour in the sky could be toned down, bit too bright. Commended.
Times has gone by
Interesting shot, bit different. Effect works quite nicely. Good detail on the clock face, though it could do with being a bit sharper. Sense of speed and movement, but needs more sharpness for impact. Good depth to the image, especially the background.
Eighty years
Really nice piece of storytelling, shows good thought from the author. Lovely quality to the image. Interesting to have the beacon, as often these images are done with poppies. Shoulders could be softer by turning him slightly. Third.
Snafell Mine
Looks like HDR from a distance, but is not, as it’s printed on a gloss paper. Works with this image due to strong colours. Works up close, but not at a distance. Not fully sharp enough to tolerate gloss, textured would be better as would give a painterly effect. Placement of items within the frame is very strong, as are the colours, Death of field is too shallow to give sharpness.
Room on Top
Really well caught image, great timing. Good crop, but maybe needs slightly more space. Great positioning within the frame. Well printed, good detail, Held.
Lovely building. Good textured paper has been used. Emphasises the texture in the subject and foreground. Very mellow colours. First.
Good black and white conversion. Good tonal range. Nice use of space within the frame. Could benefit slightly from textured paper. Would give more detail in the grass and soil. Highly Commended.
Waiting for a missing comrade
Antique colouration used works well, as does the square format. Aged effect works well- looks the part. Slight vignette is good. Tells a good story. Held.
Winter steam
Really nice, good conversion to black and white. Steam works well and really helps the image. Some warmth and good lighting control. Good depth with leading diagonal. Light on side of train works nicely. Dynamic feeling from the steam is great. Second.
Left behind
Good storytelling. Nice to have a bit of variety in these types of images. Positioning is strong, a bit reminiscent of Oliver. More detail on the PDI, but print has a bit more feeling. Print is a bit too dark, needs a little more light.
Locked out
Great character to the building and gorgeous tonal range. Black mount is good with this image. Slight angle is good, as it takes you in to the image. Possibly add a bit more contrast to the brickwork to help match the arches. Textures in the image would be better printed on a textured paper. Commended.